Sales Therapy

Are your sales hurting?

Weekly Reinforcement

Weekly Reinforcement Training

Until recently, sales skills were considered something that occurred naturally, and could not be trained. “She’s a natural salesman” is a phrase that all of us have heard at least once or twice.

At Sales Therapy, we believe that to truly learn the proper skills, it requires periodic reinforcement.

Hence, we have a weekly class open to all of our clients, 9am Eastern every Monday morning.

We start each class off with “Wins and Losses”, followed by a discussion topic, and we always close with “Lessons Learned.” Why? Because this is a proven model, with the highest retention of materials.

If you would like to talk to us about joining a class, please start a conversation with us below …
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Next Class Series Beginning Soon

Series II will begin on October 7th, 2019. It will be 20 classes, held on consecutive Monday mornings, from 9 am to 10:30 am (all times Eastern).

Classes will be held on line, using ZOOM. For more information, please register and ZOOM info will be provided.

Please use the form at the bottom of the page to sign up for a free trial class.

Do you or your sales team struggle with:

  • Failure to understand the prospects needs?
  • Being treated like a “salesman” (nuisance)?
  • Being lied to?
  • Long sales cycles?
  • Being “shopped” and then low balled?
  • Spending more time educating then selling?
  • Poor Time Management?

If any of these ring a bell, then maybe this class is for you.

Topics are:

  1. PEO Basics
  2. Determining Fair Pricing
  3. What you need to find out from prospects
  4. Sell Today, Educate Tomorrow
  5. Work with agents
  6. Work with PEO brokers
  7. Work with CPAs
  8. Prospecting
  9. Follow up, not Foul up
  10. Make sure your quotes don’t get “shopped”
  11. Recovering lost clients
  12. Getting referrals from … well anyone!
  13. Networking, and how to avoid Not Working
  14. Personality profiles (DISC)
  15. Bonding and Rapport
  16. Turning Competition in to Strategic Partnerships
  17. Goal Setting and Tracking
  18. Making your “cookbook”
  19. Sales Journaling
  20. Testing / Evaluation

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Flier for class starting on October 7, 2019. Click on image for larger version.

Clay Kelley to be Guest Trainer

Clay Kelley to be Guest Trainer

PEO Sales Training is honored to announce that on July 1st and 15th, 2019, acclaimed PEO Sales trainer Clay Kelley will be our Guest Trainer for our Monday morning virtual class.

This will be two half hour sessions, on consecutive Mondays. Clay will be presenting on his unique approach to selling PEO Services. Clay has been a PEO broker as well as a sales trainer for many years and his experience and success in our industry is extensive.

July 1st will be “Effective Meetings with CPAs”
July 15th will be ” Open Forum/Q&A Session”

If you or someone you know would be interested in attending this class, please contact us using the form below. Remember, your first class is free.
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John Will Tenney teaching sales therapy class


Will Tenney has been teaching PEO Sales Training since 2004.

He founded the Tenncom Group, PEO Pros and EmployerNomics. EmployerNomics was franchised nationally in 2016.

In addition to doing most of the sales training for EmployerNomics, Will is also hired by partner PEOs to train their internal sales staff. is recognized as a leading salesman and sales trainer in the industry.

He has attended several Sales Training courses, including Sandler Training, Sales Growth Group and Dale Carnegie Institute